John Mackey
Whole Foods
"Our greatest challenge in life is managing and leading ourselves. It is also
our greatest opportunity for service."
purposeful. conscious. meaningful. leadership.
Understanding what motivates us dramatically increases our ability to achieve our extraordinary.
Purpose is the filter in how we see the word. It is the fuel that drives our thoughts, decisions, actions and outcomes. It is a guidepost of what matters most in our lives. It affects health, and our ability to navigate difficult times. It drives motivation, the value we bring to the world, and ultimately our personal joy.
Leading Without Purpose
Sense of drifting without a plan
Being pulled in many directions
Unclear decision making
Lack of focus
Low energy or drive
Lack of confidence
Just getting by
Living on autopilot
Performing below potential
Leading From Purpose
Increases motivation
Increases clarity
Increases decision making ability
Increase in focus
Increase in trust in self
Increase in confidence
Increase sense of meaning
Increase in value
Increases our life energy
Increase in resilience
Decrease in stress, overwhelm
Increased ability to empower others
Increases empathy
Purpose is not a role, a title, a house, a car or a profession. It is what drives us, what motivates us, propels us, inspires us. It is what makes us uniquely, distinctively us. It is the filter in which we see the world by. It has been a part of us since we were young children and evolves over time.
Are you going to work each day with a little less energy than the day before? Are you feeling worn down, sluggish and more pessimistic as the days carry on? Are you on autopilot, lacking the luster that you once had and living in survival? Are you performing below your potential, you know you can do better but just don’t know how? Are you struggling on how to energize your organization, your teams when you are feel so bogged down, overwhelmed and tired?
In order to be the kind of leader that others want to follow it starts with self-leadership. Unlocking the power and passion of others lies in the ability to see, believe and authentically act from our own passion and potential.
Join me on a road trip to building your passion capital and blazing the trail to your greatest legacy. This work is an exploratory journey to uncover your whole vision, clarify your purpose, create alignment and how use that as the ongoing fuel to energize your leadership. This strategic process opens the doorway for you be the clear, confident, connected, compassionate, intentional and purposeful leader that you have always want to be.
On this journey you will:
Understand the levels of learning and what factors might hold you up
Learn about the power of the beginner’s mindset and the path to mastery
Understand how failure is the path to success and where true growth occurs
Build your internal strategy to manage your external strategy
Learn how to ask for what you need (effective communication)
Explore the fundamentals of what is important to you in the 12 vital dimensions of your life.
Build an in-depth complete vision of where you are today and where you want to go for tomorrow.
Determine your version of success in each area
Clarify your top values
Customize with a powerful personal purpose statement
Understand the impact of purpose and values to inform your ability to make authentic decisions.
You will understand your where your zone of brilliance is and how you make a difference
You will notice when you are on autopilot and how this is a secret to your success
Experience renewed confidence and energy in how you see yourself
You will see the core of your personal brand and how to express that to elevate your work.
Learn how stress is the biggest wear on your mental engine.
Learn effective and simple strategies to convert stress into focus and vitality.
Understand how to easily recharge your batteries and stop daily energy drains.
Learn to transform challenges to opportunities
Overcome resistance to change
Understand the power of your intentions, your circle of influence to enhance your decision making and prioritization
Investigate the tension points of your life and establish a healthy equilibrium
3 simple keys to effective decision-making
Master your habits for your ongoing success
Become that Living Legacy that you have always wanted to be